Holland, bicycle land

zondag 1 september 2013
timer 2 min

There are more bicycles than inhabitants in The Netherlands. That makes you think that the popularity cannot possibly increase any further. Nothing could be less true. The Dutch ride their bikes more and more often. Cycling is very safe, but the number of accidents – involving mainly older people – is growing. 

Bicycles with electric pedalling support contribute substantially to the popularity of cycling. For headwinds, hilly terrains or larger distances are not a burden anymore. A healthy development, especially for the liveability of urban environments. Cycling is clean, cheap, healthy and silent. Moreover, bicycles are inevitable in a good mix of modalities. A high degree of bicycle use literally leaves room to, if necessary, use the car for inner-city transport. If the mass of cyclists chooses the car or uses public transport, this might lead to a complete traffic standstill. Therefore, cycle use, especially in cities, will continue to grow in the years ahead.

Older cyclists
There is one drawback to cycle use, though. While cycling is very safe in The Netherlands, the number of injuries as a result of cycling accidents increases. Compared to 2010 the number of fatalities increased by 25 percent. Half of the 20.000 people severely injured in traffic accidents are cyclists, and sixty percent of them are older cyclists. In the mean time we have learned that unilateral accidents occur relatively often. 

Scientific research is still in progress, but two factors deserve some more attention. In the Netherlands there are many good cycle lanes, separated from car traffic. But these are overcrowded with cargo bikes, electric bicycles and light mopeds. The combination of crowdedness and speed differences is unsafe. Bicycles need to get more space in the city. That is possible by laying out roads primarily for cyclists. On these roads, other road users are only allowed as guests.

But also bicycle design deserves attention. Electric bicycles are heavier, faster, have a different centre of gravity, and require more operating skills. We can do better than that. The ANWB will present her ideas about a safe bicycle in September. Because, with 130 years of cycling history, we want to improve pleasure in cycling and therefore safety comes first.

Ferry Smith,

Manager Public Affairs, ANWB

Auteur: Joske van Lith

Cycling is clean, cheap, healthy and silent


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