Guest editor-in-chief Jean Todt

zondag 1 september 2013
timer 2 min

Safe Roads. A right? A duty!

Making roads safe is an increasingly important challenge for governments around the world. While The Netherlands have a rate of 4 deaths per 100.000 inhabitants with a downward trend, the overall global road traffic fatality rate is 18 deaths per 100.000 inhabitants, with a strong upward trend. The rising motorisation in many middle and low income countries will further increase the pressure on countries to improve road safety.

In the context of this editorial I have asked internationally renowned experts to highlight the key challenges at an international level and to give their views on road safety priorities and solutions to reduce the trauma on our roads.

While governments have a significant role to play in creating the framework for safety on the roads, I believe that non-governmental initiatives are also valuable, by promoting governmental work and gaining support from road users. Motoring organisations such as the ANWB play a significant role in reaching road users, informing and educating them from a young age and encouraging them to behave safely on the road.

As an international organisation, the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) has set the right to safe mobility as a key priority within its overall goal of making mobility ever more sustainable. In cooperation with the FIA Foundation for the Automobile and Society and the FIA Institute for Motor Sport Safety and Sustainability, we support the work of more than 230 FIA motoring and motor sport club affiliates in over 130 countries.

Jean Todt
FIA President

Auteur: Joske van Lith


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